Tired World Studios
13 Ember Lane Ruin - Tired World Studio
13 Ember Lane Ruin - Tired World Studio
13 Ember Lane was a homely 2 story dwelling perfect for the growing peasant family or or newly established merchant in the lovely City of Hexengarde, this two room home with a open stone fireplace, natural wooden floors throughout. Stone ground floor with wattle and daub second story. This is a real fixer upper.
These buildings are designed by Tired World Studios a fantastic designer based in Melbourne. They have a passion for both design and tabletop wargames. This set was part of the Hexengarde Kickstarter which was solely produces just so they had good terrain to play Mordheim on and we can concur they are good to play Mordheim on.
All Terrain is printed in Black PLA at a 0.2mm layer height this provides a great combination of strength and detail